Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
Nombre actual de la antigua Ceilán: «Sri Lanka elegirá hoy a su nuevo presidente» (Vanguardia [Esp.] 9.11.94). El gentilicio tradicional cingalés resulta inapropiado, pues, en rigor, designa estrictamente a los individuos de la etnia mayoritaria y a su lengua; por ello, resultan preferibles, como gentilicios del país, las formas ceilanés o ceilandés: «La organización no gubernamental ceilanesaSarvodayase encargará de atender a los niños de Sri Lanka que perdieron a sus padres» (Tiempos [Bol.] 14.1.05); «La novela [...] del canadiense de origen ceilandés Michael Ondaatje» (Clarín [Arg.] 17.2.97). A raíz del cambio de denominación, comienza a circular el gentilicio esrilanqués, derivado del nuevo nombre: «El asalto se saldó con la muerte de 13 guerrilleros [...] y de siete miembros de las fuerzas de seguridad esrilanquesas» (País\@ [Esp.] 25.7.01).

Diccionario panhispánico de dudas. 2013.

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  • Sri Lanka — Sri Lankan, adj., n. /sree lahng keuh, lang keuh, shree / an island republic in the Indian Ocean, S of India: a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. 18,762,075; 25,332 sq. mi. (65,610 sq. km). Cap.: Colombo. Formerly, Ceylon. Arabic, Serendip.… …   Universalium

  • Sri-Lanka — Wikipédia …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Sri lanka — Wikipédia …   Wikipédia en Français

  • SRI LANKA — Depuis 1972, Ceylan a retrouvé officiellement son nom précolonial de Sri Lanka. Dans un espace insulaire relativement réduit (69 610 km2, à peu près la superficie du Benelux) se rencontrent des milieux géographiques et des traits socioculturels… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Sri Lanka — Sri Lan|ka a country in southern Asia, which is an island in the Indian Ocean, southeast of India. Population: 19,409,000 (2001). Capital: Colombo. Sri Lanka was formerly called Ceylon, and it was ruled by Britain from 1798 to 1948. About 70% of… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Sri Lanka — large island southeast of India (known in English until 1972 as Ceylon), from Lanka, older name for the island and its chief city + Skt. sri beauty (especially of divinities, kings, heroes, etc.), also an honorific prefix to proper names, from… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Šrî Lȃnka — ž 〈G Šrî Lȃnkē〉 geogr. država na otoku Šri Lanki (Cejlon), u Indijskom oceanu, J od Indije, glavni grad Colombo …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • Šri Lanka — Šrȋ Lȃnka ž <G Šrȋ Lȃnkē> DEFINICIJA geogr. država na otoku Šri Lanki (Cejlon), u Indijskom oceanu, J od Indije, 65.610 km2, 17.616.000 stan. (do 1972. Cejlon), glavni grad Colombo …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Sri Lanka — [srē läŋ′kə] country comprising an island off the SE tip of India: a former British colony (as Ceylon), it became independent & a member of the Commonwealth in 1948: renamed and made a republic in 1972: 25,332 sq mi (65,610 sq km); pop.… …   English World dictionary

  • Sri Lanka — • An island to the south east of India and separated from it only by a chain of reefs and sand banks called Adam s Bridge Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

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