off the record

off the record
off the record
Expresión inglesa que se emplea en el lenguaje periodístico, como locución adverbial o adjetiva, para referirse al comentario que se hace de modo confidencial o extraoficial y que no puede divulgarse. Es anglicismo evitable, ya que puede sustituirse por la expresión española a micrófono cerrado, o por los términos confidencial(mente) o extraoficial(mente): «Otro comisionado [...] declaró a micrófono cerrado ante un grupo de periodistas que su interpretación era la contraria» (Mundo [Esp.] 18.5.94). A veces se emplea también como sustantivo: «He tratado de [...] respetar el off the record y mantener los pactos» (Tiempo [Esp.] 9.4.90); en ese caso puede sustituirse por el sustantivo español confidencialidad o por la expresión información confidencial.

Diccionario panhispánico de dudas. 2013.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Off the record — is a term related to journalism sourcing; see Journalism sourcing#Using confidential information. Off the record may also refer to: Contents 1 Music 2 Television …   Wikipedia

  • off the record(2) — {adj. phr.} Not to be published or told; secret; confidential. * /The president told the reporters his remarks were strictly off the record./ Sometimes used with hyphens, before the noun. * /The governor was angry when a newspaper printed his off …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • off the record(2) — {adj. phr.} Not to be published or told; secret; confidential. * /The president told the reporters his remarks were strictly off the record./ Sometimes used with hyphens, before the noun. * /The governor was angry when a newspaper printed his off …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • off the record(1) — {adv. phr.} Confidentially. * / Off the record, the boss said, you will get a good raise for next year, but you ll have to wait for the official letter. / Contrast: ON RECORD, GO ON RECORD, JUST FOR THE RECORD …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • off the record(1) — {adv. phr.} Confidentially. * / Off the record, the boss said, you will get a good raise for next year, but you ll have to wait for the official letter. / Contrast: ON RECORD, GO ON RECORD, JUST FOR THE RECORD …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • off the record — phrasal not for publication < spoke off the record > < remarks that were off the record > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • off-the-record — /awf dheuh rek euhrd, of /, adj. 1. not for publication; not to be quoted: a candidate s off the record remarks to reporters. 2. confidential: off the record information. [1930 35] * * * …   Universalium

  • off-the-record — adjective Date: 1933 given or made in confidence and not for publication < off the record comments > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Off-the-Record Messaging — Off the Record Messaging, commonly referred to as OTR, is a cryptographic protocol that provides strong encryption for instant messaging conversations. OTR uses a combination of the AES symmetric key algorithm, the Diffie–Hellman key exchange,… …   Wikipedia

  • Off the Record (song) — Off the Record Single by My Morning Jacket from the album Z B side How Could …   Wikipedia

  • Off-the-Record Messaging — Entwickler Das OTR Team Aktuelle Version 3.2.0 (15. Juni 2008) Betriebssystem Microsoft Windows, Linux, FreeBSD …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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