
Voz inglesa que significa ‘persona que prepara o adiestra a otra en algo, especialmente en la práctica de un deporte’. Su uso es innecesario en español, por existir términos como entrenador y preparador, de sentido equivalente.

Diccionario panhispánico de dudas. 2013.

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  • Coach — may refer to: Contents 1 Transportation 2 Guidance/instruction 3 Media and entertainment …   Wikipedia

  • coach — [ kotʃ ] n. • 1926; « diligence » 1832; mot angl. ♦ Anglic. 1 ♦ N. m. Vieilli Automobile à deux portes et quatre places. ⇒ 1. coupé. Des coachs ou des coaches. 2 ♦ Sport Personne chargée de l entraînement d une équipe, d un spor …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • coach — Ⅰ. coach UK US /kəʊtʃ/ noun [C] ► HR, MANAGEMENT someone whose job is to provide training for people or to help prepare them for something: »The company has hired a coach to improve our English. → See also LIFE COACH(Cf. ↑life coach) Ⅱ. coach UK… …   Financial and business terms

  • Coach — Coach, Inc. Тип Публичная компания Листинг на бирже NYSE: COH Год основания …   Википедия

  • Coach — Sm Trainer per. Wortschatz fach. (20. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ne. coach. Ursprünglich vom Trainieren junger Pferde gesagt (ne. to coach): vor den Wagen (ne. coach) spannen und ins Wagenfahren einführen .    Ebenso nndl. coach, nfrz. coach,… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • coach — Ⅰ. coach [1] ► NOUN 1) chiefly Brit. a comfortably equipped single decker bus used for longer journeys. 2) a railway carriage. 3) a closed horse drawn carriage. ► VERB ▪ travel or convey by coach. ORIGIN Fren …   English terms dictionary

  • Coach — (k[=o]ch; 224), n. [F. coche, fr. It. cocchio, dim. of cocca little boat, fr. L. concha mussel, mussel shell, Gr. ?, akin to Skr. [,c]ankha. Cf. {Conch}, {Cockboat}, {Cockle}.] 1. A large, closed, four wheeled carriage, having doors in the sides …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • coach — coach; coach·ee; coach·er; un·coach; coach·man; …   English syllables

  • coach — [kōch] n. [Fr coche < Ger kutsche < Hung kocsi ( szekér), (carriage of) Kócs, village in Hungary where it was first used] 1. a large, covered, four wheeled carriage used in the 16th 19th cent. as a public conveyance, with seats for… …   English World dictionary

  • coach — s.m. (Rar) Antrenor cu sarcini mai ales administrative, organizatorice. // s.n. Automobil închis, cu două uşi şi scaune rabatabile pentru a permite accesul la locurile din spate. [pron. coci. / < engl. coach]. Trimis de LauraGellner,… …   Dicționar Român

  • coach|er — «KOH chuhr», noun. 1. a baseball coach. 2. = coach horse. (Cf. ↑coach horse) 3. Obsolete. a coachman …   Useful english dictionary

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